Emails have been used for the purpose of marketing since long. It may be regarded as the first form of online marketing. Emails are there since the ’90s and the internet has changed a lot since then. There are many digital marketing companies that think that email marketing is not as powerful as before. People underestimate the usefulness of email marketing. It can still provide results if done in the right way. People do read promotional emails if they look genuine and attractive enough. The basic reason why email marketing campaigns started to fail is spamming. Digital marketing companies can still use it for their benefits.
Below are a few ways in which people can still use them and gain favourable results:

- Attract: Emails still have the power to attract the attention of people. The only thing that is important is the content and the graphics that people put in the email. Extra content or graphics can kill the actual purpose of the email and distract the readers. People might ignore pop-ups and ads on social media platforms but they still check their emails, because they are personal. Emails still attract the attention of people, people still read newsletters and they open the links with them too. People are now more aware and they do read the difference between real and spam emails. People who opt for a mailing list of some brand do open their emails. There was an open rate of 46% of the emails that were sent to the people who signed up for a mailing list.
- More exposure: Everyone who has internet has an email address nowadays. The number of people who are on the internet is huge and so is the scope of reaching more people. Emails can help companies to reach out to more people through email marketing. There are people who open emails that their favourite brand sends to them. This proves that emails are still powerful to reach to more people. Emails can convert normal people into potential customers. Enterprises need to hire good content writers and designers to send quality emails. There are 3.81 billion users who have an email address and Facebook has 1.52 billion active users. This record is enough to understand why emails can reach to more people.
- Subscriber retention: One of the biggest advantages of emails is that the brands have an opportunity to directly connect with the users. They can send personalized emails that will surely attract and leave an impact. Emails are better when it comes to connecting to the users directly. Social media platforms limit the content and may demand some boost fee to promote the post. On the other hand, emails are free and have no limits. When some company opts for email marketing, they have an email list, and it belongs to them. They don’t steal it, they ask it form the users, and record it with their permission.
- Mobile user’s satisfaction: Almost 68 per cent people who use smartphones open the promotional emails that they receive. One of the most important things to keep in mind is that the emails should be optimized for the mobile. The users should be able to read the emails easily without any problem when they open any email. It will be of no use if the users open the email and close it without reading. It is a fact that almost users tend to open 40% of the total emails on a mobile device.
- Track the actions of customers: Through email marketing, the companies can track the actions of their potential and actual buyers. They will know that at which place the user clicked on an email newsletter, or which elements attracted them. Companies can also analyse which tag lines or headlines work the most with their target audience.
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