We live in a day and age where it is impossible to Not Get Distracted At Work. The era and up-gradation of the internet and just electronic devices as a whole have a big impact on what we do in a day, sometimes even leaving us unproductive and distracted. This can lead to a lack of productivity which will create a cycle of chasing deadlines.
Tag «work hard»
PRODUCTIVITY HACK: 8 Tricks To do more Things
How is WhatsApp Impacting Productivity

More than a billion people worldwide are using WhatsApp, it has now become the king of the messaging world. SMS and BBM stand no-where near WhatsApp now.
WhatsApp came with a big bang and its popularity since then has been increasing rapidly with no signs of relenting. WhatsApp has now become a part and parcel of our daily lives.
Complain Less and Appreciate More

Impelling complaining doesn’t just push it out into the open, so it damages your mind so your general well-being. Use these tricks to stop complaining in a month.
At times, everyone wants to express. Perhaps this is because your daily drive was a bad vision, you went to an outdated organization, or a colleague missed a cut-off time.