Today like every other day, I rushed straight to Starbucks, Nehru Place as soon as I finished my office. Going to Starbucks every evening with my friends has become a ritual for me over the years. I start my work at 11am, and my office ends at 8:30. Right after this I go to Starbucks, and if I ever change this routine, my day seems incomplete.
Tag «Nehru place»
Ending the week with Caramel Macchiato
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

It’s almost Christmas time and the city is filled with love and light, once again. As I sit here today in Starbucks, Nehru Place, I look at this place with fond memories of the year we are leaving behind. A year full of new learnings and unforgettable memories.
We grew up waiting for Santa flying on his sleigh, to come at midnight to give us all the gifts we asked for in our letters to him.
Small Celebrations, Endless Joy
An Epicuria Christmas

Epicuria, Nehru place is one of the most loved hangout placed for the people of Delhi, specially for those in an around South Delhi. Based in the city’s IT and commercial hub, this adds to a whole new dimension right across one of the most sought after electronic bazaar. This gastronomical paradise is nestled below the Nehru Place metro station that also makes it very easily accessible to anyone coming here.
Let the happiness bloom in heart #Starbucks

Today’s message from Starbucks partner on my Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew Coffee cup is “Let the happiness bloom in heart”.
As per Starbucks, about this coffee “Our slow-steeped custom blend of Starbucks® Cold Brew coffee accented with vanilla and topped with a delicate float of house-made vanilla sweet cream that cascades throughout the cup.
7 Starbucks Beverages in 5 hours

It was the usual workday for me at Tata Starbucks Nehru Place but I did not sleep the previous night which eventually resulted in a lot of fatigue but due to some work and prior commitments I had to sacrifice my sleep and come to work.
Nevertheless, I experienced 7 coffees within 6 hours just to fight my sleep and get active.
Best Drink for Sore Throat
New Day, New Coffee, Same Workplace

It was yet another morning I started to work and received this beautiful message written on my cup i.e, Blogger. Yet another day spent working in Nehru Place, Starbucks. It has been a routine for the past 4 years coming early and leaving late from Tata Starbucks. Sometimes I feel what attracts me so much about this place that I have been visiting Starbucks daily doing work, meeting new people and having my coffee, it is the peace here that brings me here every day and on top of that the Great Hospitality I receive here.
Tata Starbucks Merry Winter Coffee Collection

It’s the Winter Time of the year and the majority of people love to sip some delicious coffee on the go, So yet again Tata Starbucks has come up with their newest range of coffees giving their valuable customers a phenomenal experience.
This year Tata Starbucks has come up with new coffees for their Winter Collection.