Work, Coffee & Raining (Starbucks, Epicuria Mall, Nehru Place, New Delhi)

It’s Monday morning again. Mondays are Customarily put together with ‘blues’. Mondays bring back the usual routine, the 9-5 jobs, the night shifts, and an extravagant quantity of cups of coffee.

I live on my own, I work on my own and the one thing that has been constant in my life is Starbucks Coffees. It is like my co-worker. And as today I sit here (Starbucks, Epicuria Mall, Nehru Place, New Delhi) and look outside with a cup of coffee in my hand, I perceive so many people living the same life as I. There are so many nascent dreams, so many promises and that’s what perpetuates them.

Apart from me wants to leave it all but a component of me profoundly relishes this life and it knows that it is what makes me whole.

And today it’s raining. The sun hasn’t been seen in a while. Delhi monsoon has so much to offer to you. It brings everyone closer. It reunites people.

And as it rains, I fell in love with this city all over again. It is said that the rain washes away your distressing memories, pains, grieves and indeed it does. The air smells like spring, it is sweet and musky. It brings hope back into our lives and the comforting smell of the earth. And I can see the good things coming, and all the things my future beholds.

To rain ?

Work, Coffee & Raining at Starbucks, Nehru Place, New Delhi

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