Google AdSense Guide: How To Use Adsense

Nowadays, we have a fine line between a paid and organic search that looks a little smudged. Meanwhile, the revenue stream of the site of the millions depends on contextual advertising to withstand the steam. Hence, it is essential to have an expert consultant and webmaster by your side to understand all these. So, this article would give you a sense of knowledge regarding the variations between SEO and PPC professionals.

On-Page Basics

Google previously had the Ad Placements being AdSense publisher. However, this has changed for the better. That means Google has made much more user-friendly model that focuses on the user having a great experience.

Also, this tactic helps the publishers to add their ads, which doesn’t dodge the content. So, the basic idea comes down to just one thing. That is to say, presenting the ads such a way that users could view it. Also, minimising the cut-off content from the given matter. It isn’t always the case where more revenue outcome gets rewarded if numerous ads get placed in distinct locations.

Moreover, readers are the lifeblood for your web business. However, the PageRank penalty of advertisements is over the fold. Stay clear of these and all your problems would be solved in a jiffy. After that, there would be no problem for the potential bump in CTR which must have been your focus. Additionally, it is vital to divide and balance between the intrusive and irrelevant. For instance, polls and tests could create a balance that is required.

Ad Types

There are various types of ads on Google. Also, the sizes differ. However, we have recommended four of the most successful ad sizes, as mentioned by Google. They are:

  1. 728*90
  2. 336*280
  3. 160*600
  4. 300*250
size of successful ads
Various Types Of Ad Sizes

What makes these sizes more feasible than others? 

During the bidding system of Google, it expects the advertisers to make multiple multimedia ads that could take a spot in the publisher’s network. In contrast, several companies tend not to acquire their slots for every different form. As a result, they create a size that isn’t one of them. Hence, it results in the usage of a complex ad type, which makes Google’s pool bidding system for advertisers smaller. Consequently, this leads to reduced revenues, which is a loss for you and the publisher. So, it is suggested to cling to only these four types for more competitive ad space.

Image and Text Ads 

It is claimed to be the fact that the sites do more business if the ads are a constraint to ‘image only’ or ‘text only’. Post the process Google posts only the highest bidding ads on your page. Regardless of what type of context it has. That said, it might have the form of text-based or image-based. Shrinking, the size of the bidding pool could result in a lesser return than expected.

All in vain, when the testing that has performed would show a reduced amount of clicks on your particular website. In case, if your site is primarily based on text, then you might need to question your placement of the ads. Also, check if it isn’t violating the Terms of Service of Google AdSense due to a reason user might click by mistake.

Blending and Contrast 

After all this one controversial question arises. That is to say, should the ads should have colour and placement in a way it blends with the site?

Alternatively, another question arises whether you would receive more clicks if the advertisement stands out? To answer, based on the factor of the design feature, take a preference to the one that serves the users. For suppose, you prefer either an aesthetic ad or an ugly and spend money on the design and time to create the page. Make sure it isn’t you don’t denounce over the 0.1% increment in CTR. Even more, a small blemish would have a substantially significant influence that would compromise the product. For instance, the character, look and feel of the site.

Draw Quality Traffic

Google and the advertising partners require an approach of only the potential buyers. For instance, if you are not a potential buyer interested in the product and reach the page somehow makes it objectively useless to them. Quality traffic can also take a term such as organic traffic as per Google. Also, most probably google supports and values its logged-in users for tracking and re-tracking purposes. Considering, English is the most competitive traffic intriguer; it is highly valuable for advertisement. Even though language and location are not the essential aspects, fewer sites are visible, which are non-English. Google keeps in check regularly regarding the traffic sources only to remove invalid clicks. Further, it also utilises this data to manage the quality of the ads that appear later.


cost per click, click through rate, revenue per 1000 impressions
Google AdSense CPC, CTR, RPM

CPC or Cost-Per-Click defined as the amount one earns every time a user clicks on the ad.

CTR or ClickThrough Rate defined as the number of ads per click divided by the number of page views.

RPM of Revenue Per thousand impressions is determined by dividing the estimated earnings by the number of page views that are received, after which this by multiplied with 1000.

Contrast to Google AdWord

In comparison, similar to Google AdWord even for this, the costs could vary from pennies to ten dollars per click based on the competition for the keywords. Nevertheless, to get a lesser pull of the massive amount of quality organic traffic from your domain increase the game for the keyword or section. Moreover, this creates organic traffic near the keyword dut to excessive competition. For instance, many people fall in that may help receive a more solid grip on these three metrics and to help answer the question: “What rate is Google paying me at?” 

“Fire our webmaster, fire our PPC expert, fire everything! I thought we just read through that “How to Increase Your AdSense CPC” blog post last month? How could this have happened to our fantastic site?”

Here, CPC cannot be the best determiner of the Adsense success.

“But isn’t $5.00 per click better than. Thirty cents per click?”

However, this isn’t certain to happen. Google has a chance to pay $100 per click. Also, with zero legitimate clicks. In turn, this would make you go broke. 


Here, CTR comes into the picture to save the day. The charts look way better than earlier. Besides, one can’t believe that their page views have been incrementing over six months. Maybe you could be experiencing an increase in revenue.


After that, RPM comes into light. RPM is excellent and well-known for its much more critical metric system that gives better revenue than CPC and CTR. From the abbreviation, we can understand how suggestive it is of analysing the rate at which the payment for the viewer’s attentiveness by Google. RPM metric is useful for comparing between contextual advertisement networks.

For example, let us assume that you are checking the AdSense and have a need to analyse the prices with others. Not CPC or CTR, but RPM would be your best bet to provide a versatile and exact evaluation of the reimbursement rate with taking everything into the record.

Additionally, CTR could be used to examine banner sizes, colours, placement and ad quality. Notwithstanding, as a publisher, the one thing of at most importance is only the revenue.

Competitive Filter

AdSense has a unique feature that enables the publisher to block certain ads depending on the factors such as

  • URL
  • Broad category
  • Ad Network

Apart from this, if you prefer a manual way of doing things, there is a feature for that also. You can approve the advertisements manually. However, this might need your concentration and in turn, decrease the revenues. Due to the fact that it revolves around the idea of bid-based and system of dynamic advertisement.

Moreover, the bidding is placed on the basis of the keywords, topic areas and inventory of the ad placement. At the end of the lengthy bid, the ad which ends up on the domain is the one who won the bid by quoting the highest amount for the place. Here, Google does not care about what ad? whose ad? How long has it been in that spot? If Google would get paid a hefty amount from the ad unit. It won’t matter either if the ad has been there for a long time or if it is not appealing to the eyes. Inescapably, Google would give a piece of advice to the users to use the ad filter sparingly.

Google recognises the factors that show influence, such as CTR. Hence, there are high chances they possess more information than you do. That is to say; they have more knowledge of how to attract more ads to your page than you do. Nowadays, with the improved technology and research, Google has found ways to bring top payers in the game to your site. Additionally, these advertisements have a high chance of getting clicked by the users.

Google recognises the factors that show influence, such as CTR. Hence, there are high chances they possess more information than you do. That is to say; they have more knowledge of how to attract more ads to your page than you do. Nowadays, with the improved technology and research, Google has found ways to bring top payers in the game to your site. Additionally, these advertisements have a high chance of getting clicked by the users.

Google Adsense in India vs the USA

The first variation of the Google AdSense program in USA and India are the profits. In India, the profit margin is lower comparatively. Meanwhile, in the USA, the publishers earn about 2 to 3 times higher income than what the publishers in India make.

Secondly, when it comes to the CPC or the Cost Per Click India is 4 times lesser than the USA. Whereas in the USA they earn about $1 per click and in India they earn a measly 20 cents. Although, in situations where the traffic or visitors are limited in the USA comparing to India, a blogger still earns more money. The reason is a simple fact that the advertisers are prepared to pay higher prices in the USA, unlike in India. Another reason for this could be that the USA is a developed nation with a developed economy, but India is still developing. In turn, they earn more money which allows them to spend more. However, in India, every penny counts. Hence, the advertisers don’t show the willingness to pay more. 

Hence these are the comparative features of Google AdSense in Indian and the USA.

Top Successful Beneficiary of Google Adsense Program in India

Now, in spite of the difference, there are successful Google AdSense publishers in India. Keeping them in mind could be useful in providing and inspiration. These people are almost similar to Internet Celebrity.

  1. Amit Agarwal –
  2. Amit Bhawani – Amit
  3. Arun Prabhudesai –
  4. Jaspal Singh –


Google Adsense Competiton
Google Adsense Alternative

Google AdSense has serious competition. Everything has immense competition in today’s world due to excessive demand. Not always do publishers opt for working with Google AdSense, they choose to use some other contextual advertisement platforms.

Some programs similar to the group of Adsense are the following:

  1. Chitika 
  2. Clicksor 
  3. Kontera 
  4. Adbrite 
  5. BuySellAds 
  6. eClickZ 
  7. Amazon Associates 
  8. Tribal Fusion etc 
  10. Infolinks 

There are several ways of advertising a thing in today’s world. For instance, it could be

  1.  Text Link Ads – You get paid for creating a link.
  2. Info links – You get paid for creating a link that shows ads.

Although it could give competition to Google Adsense, it could also be an option for both publishers and advertisers.


Google is known for being heavily criticised for the partiality of payment. Where, in the USA, the publishers get paid more than their Asian publishers. 

Also, when it comes to bloggers, they face an abrupt ban of account for no particular reason. Hence, this point is also massively criticised. In situations, bloggers face termination of accounts without paying the threshold income of $100.

 Also, in many circumstances, Google has tended to show sexually explicit content in forms of ads on pages and websites. 

Furthermore, Google lacks the transparency that is a must for every company.

Future of Google AdSense

The future of Google Adsense despite location looks bright. Besides, the internet is an ever-growing phenomenon in the world. The awareness of internet is spreading and is in use by every nook and corner of the world. In this situation, Google would ensure that the publishers could create quality content and the right to remuneration.

In conclusion, Google AdSense has a glorious future and would become more vital in everyday life.


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