Category «Motivation»

Mermaid in Distress

Mermaid in Distress

The artist has been able to capture such a sensitive topic in an elegant manner, making it beautiful and at the same provoking enough, that it sends thought waves in the viewer. The entrapped lady in the midst of the chaos caused by the pollutants is a metaphoric representation of the marine life which has been endangered because of the misdeeds of a particular species called humans.

Interested, Committed and Repeated

I was watching a YouTube video, it was based on motivation. A sentence which I liked in the video was “Interested, Committed and Repeated
If you are interested in anything, you must be committed for your interest and repeated the interested act/job/tasks.

Take responsibilities rather than blaming anyone

responsibilities rather than blaming

If you are blaming for your problems, it will not solve your problems. To solve your problems – you have to accept your mistakes, analyze, note them, and finally go ahead by fixing your mistakes.

Try to learn taking responsibilities for your current situations rather than blaming anyone. No one is perfect in this world and you cannot change the whole world, so it is a better way to change yourself according to the time, situation and go head.